A broken poet

Monday, February 19, 2007

Epilogue of the Ocean

Crashing waves on all sides, the rear and front
Crashing waves, till I want to scream
Till I find the need to throw myself over
From the Pounding my brain in waters of an antarctic dream
Pull off my head to flee
Instead of living it out, the reapers wait
Fear drifting ice, searching for means to stay afloat
With all my energy miserably spent
My soul an ocean of best kept secrets
The dearest remain lost even to me in Daveys locker
A feeble beast splashing in the weather
To drift or fling myself from this piece of debris
Till again, the noise makes me scream

I wish I was made a stronger boat

Side of the road

Lights that deceive, burning scars at night, to grieve
Falling tears as easy as spilling drops of blood
Carelessly blunders forth
Young lives lost

The snakes are attracted by the scent
Always hinders the rescue process
Family members tread over
Black tarred death

Independence gained and respect lost
Lucky enough to escape
Countless deals sealed with a turning wheel
The devil greets most grinning over his cape

Out of ash and glass, some will scrape
Material bonds to the death
Little white cross with a picture of a girl
Father plants its by the side of the road
Seeking no retribution
Comforts his wifes weeps
Each time passing the memorial

>>Instant Dry<<

Held and turned face to an accuser
Several inches down, her stare locked
Spinning several too many plates in her life
Bitchslapped his grin like a swatter to flies
Was not remotely justified,
She had to cut him down to size
Turn to be the cruel, flawless
Burning all at the stake, her sacrificial prize
High on liquor and her lust
Powderd cement, dust to the skies
Lurks the water boweld petty creature
Jahova's witness, sunday suit and ties
Lives with injustice
Drinks her shots with newborn jealousy
Hates our benefactor
When she unveils herself to me
Stoned and hammered and what else
Where aspirin fails, she flies
A balloon on a string, holding her down
Wet cement, willing to dry
Finds fun in how we mix ourselves up, she smiles
Emotional blends, Alcohol and what else
Says gingerly while her eyes bleed salt
Turns to the drinkster and asks for another Bells

Like her, or care to meet her?
Shes a good friend, she winks
And I'm sure she'll find you interesting
If you dizzy her with charms, and top up the drinks
Shes a lost girl, home, life and all
Wonder even if she knows how and why
But in lifes rock and sedimentary stone
She classifies with all types of instant dry

Lonely Engel, wat Terg, Intimideer, Conglomereer; In my Angs II

Ek sal nooit weer jou slaansak wees nie.
Sal nooit weer my siel en geheime met jou deel
Terwyl my gedagtes van jou, oor en oor my kop verveel.
Om te lewe met 'n halwe jaar se twyfel
En dan nog so onnosel te wees,
om jou te smeek vir my vergifnis
Ek gaan al jou briefies brand, nadat ek dit vir die laaste keer lees.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My verlore terlantyn

My hart en siel is verwronge, gebreek, versmeer en verbruik.
My moed en emosies, rus op jou skouers, en wat jy vir my gaan se.
'n Alleen verliefde, wat vir jou hart in 'n lee swembad sal duik.
Om met gebreekte bene en organe, 'n heel hart weer te kan he.
Jy het 1% van my liefde ontgroei, terwyl ek die ander 99% wegsteek.
Weggesteek om dit te spaar, en rente bymekaar te maak.
'n Plantjie wat ek in my hart, water, mee praat, en kweek.
Wat eendag so hoog sal groei, hy sal jou hart in die hemel kan raak.
Maar, iemand anders het in 3 weke, jou hart gebreek.
En jy wil nie he, ek moet die fyn deeltjies optel nie.
Selfs al vat ek deeltjies van my hart, om in jou hartjie se krake te steek.
Nou is ek alleen, met 'n onvoledige hart, jou briefies, en jou memory.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


u g h t s o f a n e v e r l o n
o e n c e g e t t i n g i n m y e
h l n o w h e r e a g a i n . c c l
t o s m e , s i n k i n g i n w y
i e i f o r p i t y o r n t a ,
g v u , f o r l a c k s y f
n l o g e o y m g . o
i d b h n m a l l e e n f m y e f r
t n w i p t e b
e a e . g r y t i n i c s a v a o e o
e h m n o f l e e f . y h t w o l d
l r t i o l . y t i l a r o m n u i i
f e w s t n a c i d n a t n n
d n i t s o l m i e k i l g g
w r u m f o s w a l e h t. y a d

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Escalate a climb to the highest height
Pleasing the view, of an uneasy sight
Cleared of all, God given beauty
Blighted of the eyes of any human evidence
Left only an empty void
Clear scene of a perfect nature
Blank wall for an artistic pen to venture

The Ripper

Seven sighs and one short goodbye
No words again good enough to speak together
But by ignoring me and my own stupidity
You have cut through the final tether
Now with this hungry shadow weighing over me
Closer to death than I have ever been
But why does it want to take me
When it could swallow you into obscurity

So much more of life you have to show
Yet still whine for more
Five fold less than the crops I have grown
Still listening to you complain
Greedy, discontented whore?

Wasted so much on you
Lost all sense of time
Words to paper written for you
Blood strown from my penned finger
Would only be a waste of rhyme

Pour on lightless shadow
Consuming all essence of me
While it dines I'll scream to you
All my obscenities
Not to leave my life own
Not satisfied with your fucked up own

Run and hurt with your vanity
Mock and slander till I'm short on tears
Staring on silently
Fall for those of older years
Apologise I did, you never will
Nor can I turn away from you
Dissalowing all forms of forgiveness
But still sipping wine from your sunday pew

How sweet and innocent you smile
How you project a perfect creature
Manipulating underskin of a witch
And all its devils features
But everyone would rather believe you
A beckoning siren on a silent ocean
Then discard the stories of a half-eaten sailor
Drunk on her love potion

Coffeeshop #31

New accounts of revelations to come
Hollow vapours of lives come undone
My tale writ over cappuccino's again
With a surviette I wipe my lips
While I write with my pen

Across from me, a wealthy mother
With child and a baby
Complaining about the quality of cakes
In this establishment
Incant and lament, my cup overflowing
My last sediments of more
Franchised, mass produced coffee chants

Purgatory #9

Dantes journey; forever nether-venture here
East never meets West; North is South
Forever desert and long lost treasures
Theres nothing in this place
Absence of light, absent of darkness
A single dead tree, the only thing to see

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I've driven along this road so many times before
GPS, or a map, I still get lost
Cant always find my way back
Through the many things that probe my brain
Try as I may, my attention will not always stay
On this course that I'm following

Sometimes I bite my bottom lip, quivering unvaliantly
Still I bite my lip
Even if nobody else needs to see me
Restraints grip me back, discourage
Violent or tearful emotions that would force itself
To transform apon this shy soul

What kind of rage would I personify
And everything looks so different at night
Reflects the recognisable partially in my headlights
Unfamiliarity comes with the sunset
Hand in hand it leads dangers to rise
But my attention span still flies in its visions
Of experiences summarized

If I plot left instead of right
Or decide to travel it all out
Till I have no petrol monies left
Doubt then it all would have been different
These memories still linger
I still fare this road
Of intolerance without any care

So the stone is thrown
Drive myself home, preventing an emotional spill
Been awhile down the line, and I still regret
But apathy is not fuel for a souls free will

Past the apex of my journey
What would have been a destination
Mindsets are quick to change
As it did this one, as it did for the worse?
Not just me, but events unfolding around me
Like a season dying forever
Incarnates into a natural phenomenon twisted
Never to reappear again, even after 12 months
With so much reminding me now:

A voyager of the night
Cold and wet
Visibility reduced by my tired eyes
Moon reflecting the path
Through clowded skies
Venture to purge some reality
Out of my mind
Carry on till its done
Or all my esteem is gone

Quick the path slow the drive
You never see by just looking ahead

This chair is too small

Greasy, uncombed hair, and two smokes in the mouth
His holster prominantly strapped to his chest
Folding over stains and folds, unwashed in a month
Dripping on the inside, smelling through his vest

Hands crossed on his knees, finding life in his mind
Mindset same as his attire, landscapes of a nuclear winter
Twisted thoughts venturing, fleeting moments of neglegance
Plasma flames, microwaved from a tree, now a splinter

Monday, February 05, 2007

Altwee, twee vir twee

Ek is 'n selfoon in die middel van die Karoo
Niemand sien my nie, ek loop en staar net voort
Ek het jou verloor, oor ek bang was vir commitment
My verdowings middel, die ander persoon in my verlore oord
Ek wil terug baklei, soos in die games wat my te besig gehou het
Maar as jy nie wil nie, kan ek jou nie maak nie
En jy het nogal altyd jou eie wil gehad, en ek sal dit vereer
Maar hoe meer jy my probeer vermy, mis ek jou meer