A broken poet

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The story so far

I Walk the once tarred road, uphill and dry hills
African sun in my eyes, facing the dry African wind
A nameless victim of nameless attackers
A confused, maladjusted white African

Always easier to leave, then to be left behind
Those that flee the rampant rape and crime,
from self-obsessed token 'eddicated' freedom fighters
who jump on BEE bandwagons and our esteemed
thieving, raping presidents

a human who stares at African stars
An Ubuntu non-believer, not happier
like a sober man, shaking his head at a drunk
Preaching my own brand of belief and salvation
to those not wanting to know whats true,
or right from wrong, years of indoctrination
Liberation at the cost of your education,
even though the struggle ended 20 years ago

At first you plead,
they ignore you
you beg,
then they laugh at you
you dont let go,
then they fight you

Break into your home
kill your family
Leave you empty
Then you leave for Australia
Then they win

5 million to feed 40 million
My little piece of land,
and my little piece of bread

It belongs to me! yells Titu
It belongs to God! yells McCauly
It belongs to everyone! yells Zuma

I protest and again Im reminded of my
200 years of colonial oppression
and my priviledged white skin

Sucks to be a an African

Thursday, March 12, 2009


No idea who took the foto, or who defaced the poster of Zuma.
But I like it :)

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Frantic Ramblings of a digital Alchemist 0003

I love, as best as my flawd soul is capable.
Truly I do!

Also, I wish to find a place
where my cognative abilities have no limits.

A mad man groaning and churning
Piercing my brain to kill
the logicalness
The rules
Given tools, cognitive moods
Conforming to views
only considered from one perspective

I draw over and over
On the pen ink stained walls
Painted with theorems
explained to an unblemished heart,
with a mind half gone

The variables include,
the ability to explain the truth,
being embarrased about being sincere,
and why people cant be a little fucked up,
and learn to deal with it

But I stop, and sigh,
calm down, clear my mind,
return to normal every physics
of bouncing balls, and falling stars

But the mad hatter
will one day
jump out of his closet
and fuck everyone :/