A broken poet

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Frantic Ramblings of a digital Alchemist 0002

I'm religious, I'm an atheist, I'm a transcendalist
The sound machines make, gives off more than I can take,
And then my heart breaks.
I'm an alchemist, a conservationist, a libertarian
For a freedom that is not free, you have to steal it.
Dispute, absolute, no moral prohibition to quit.
My $God, being completely free in action
Step down in a showing of violent non-aggression
Even in the throth of a violent incantation
And a stewing and crying, wishing, betting on damnation

Innocent Abandoned

Lake of Ash and Wine with mountains to underline
Skyline, smoking, fire in the night pyred too high
All my friends and family, hands tied, being walked away
Their captors decided to leave me behind
Promises to take care of all those abandoned
The young kids, too tender and few to fend for themselves
Skinned and boned, organic muted phones
Like the time the vultures feasted on my misery
Forlorne, far gone, tattered and torn, scorned
To say, I may, if I could, I would
Free us all, move on, find a new place to call home
Dream of colonizing mars, her surface face, my face
Red cliffs, dried riverbeds and underground lakes
Standing on an alien world, departed, retarded
And no place to call my home

Friday, June 15, 2007


namespace ABrokenPoet
   public partial class HowIFeel : System.Poem.Page
      protected void Poem_Load(object reader, EventArgs theBreakup)
         // You phoned me, I asked you not to
         // We said we would remain friends
         // But its so difficult, cause I still long for you
         // Thinking of you regularly, and when we talk we fight
         // And you dont want to reconcile

         Question Why_did_you_go = new Question()
         string statement_01 = "Why didnt you even say goodbye?";
         string statement_02 = "Our last afternoon spent was our last afternoon together";
         string statement_03 = "I wish you would have told me, how and why"
         string statement_04 = "Would not have wasted my time"
         string statement_05 = "Just lying on your stomach, looking into your eyes";


      protected void Poem_Discard(object reader, EventArgs theAcceptance)
         Statement Now_That_Im_Over_You = new Statement();

         string statement_01 = "No longer lovelost, but turned to anger";
         string statement_02 = "For leaving me, a day before Valentines day";
         string statement_03 = "Hoping for some asshole to ask you out";
         string statement_04 = "He didnt. But, I still wish he turns out gay";
         string statement_05 = "Leaving you with sadness, and lonely on your way";


         // I want you to feel how I felt
         // Lost like I was lonely, and lost
         // Lonely like I was a holocaust survivor
         // Still hoping someday, we can reconcile
         // Get over my subconscious anger... and love again

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Church and State

Falling small, squaling deep
The church tower is steep
Pires above the tower of evil,
The Christian church steeple
Dark hooden men hold hands outside
A dark vigil, prayers from sanatariums
Sway from drunken strength to pride
Like gladiators and lions in land aquariums
Church and State seperate, the same
Leaders never aligned to what is claimed
Pray to God for their public frame
But crawl away, with no remorse or shame

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Soaked in the Pouring Rain

Didn't feel like staying until 5am
So I took the long walk home
In the pouring rain, see-through shirt
With all the prostitutes asking me for smokes
I give freely, cause its late, and I'm not looking for trouble
But if they ask me, if I want to be naughty
I laugh and I tell them, they cant afford me!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Sinne wat nie sin maak nie

Voel asof ek al vir ewig wag
Soos die keer,
wat Dawn,
se liggaam,
in die see,
weggedryf het...

Wag nou nog vir haar
Om terug te kom

En nou, alles voel so ernstig en rerig
Soos die keer wat my hart gebreek het

En alles voel so seer en verkeerd
Soos die keer wat jy nie wou bly nie

Ek is 'n alleenloper, langs die snelweg
Vermy oogkontak, vermy jou hulp
Ek wil net loop, en ek wil verlore raak
Aanhou met rook
Todat my longe versmoor
Todat 'n engel my sien, en vir my lug gee

Ek wil nie bly nie
Nie todat jy my kan terugvat nie
Selfs nie eers dan nie
Wou nader trek, om jou meer te kan sien
Jy het my vermy
Nou bly ek nader, en probeer jou ook vermy

Sonbrille om my trane weg te steek
Selfs al is dit donker buite
Ek drink koffie in die hoek
Sodat niemand verby my
hoef te loop nie
Maar as ek jou sien
Sal ek nog steeds my hand opsteek

Loop saam met my water toe
Een laaste keer
En help my, myself verdrink
Net een van ons kan terug kom
En ek wil he, dit moet jy wees