A broken poet

Friday, June 15, 2007


namespace ABrokenPoet
   public partial class HowIFeel : System.Poem.Page
      protected void Poem_Load(object reader, EventArgs theBreakup)
         // You phoned me, I asked you not to
         // We said we would remain friends
         // But its so difficult, cause I still long for you
         // Thinking of you regularly, and when we talk we fight
         // And you dont want to reconcile

         Question Why_did_you_go = new Question()
         string statement_01 = "Why didnt you even say goodbye?";
         string statement_02 = "Our last afternoon spent was our last afternoon together";
         string statement_03 = "I wish you would have told me, how and why"
         string statement_04 = "Would not have wasted my time"
         string statement_05 = "Just lying on your stomach, looking into your eyes";


      protected void Poem_Discard(object reader, EventArgs theAcceptance)
         Statement Now_That_Im_Over_You = new Statement();

         string statement_01 = "No longer lovelost, but turned to anger";
         string statement_02 = "For leaving me, a day before Valentines day";
         string statement_03 = "Hoping for some asshole to ask you out";
         string statement_04 = "He didnt. But, I still wish he turns out gay";
         string statement_05 = "Leaving you with sadness, and lonely on your way";


         // I want you to feel how I felt
         // Lost like I was lonely, and lost
         // Lonely like I was a holocaust survivor
         // Still hoping someday, we can reconcile
         // Get over my subconscious anger... and love again


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