A broken poet

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happiness 5 posts before #100

You were sitting there as usual, sipping your coffee. Like any normal person would, yet, Im wishing like a religious person, to be the mug you are holding in your hands. I smiled shyly, walked over, received your smile with open arms. I have been trying for almost a year to summon the courage, to ask you out, if you want to go for drinks. Rehearsed the conversation a 100 times in my mind. Trying not to sound like a douchebag.

I started rambling about my moms birthday the past weekend, how I almost forgot about it, about the trouble I got into the weekend for completely forgetting about a family event I got invited to, about how my phones battery died, and I didn't notice till sunday evening, so everyone was freaking out, because no one could contact me, no, I wasn't murdered, or mugged, or hospitalized, but I'm old enough to not have to phone anyone about my current whereabouts. I don't like cellphones in any case, because it sucks talking to someone, yet having no access to facial expressions or body languages, and dang, voice mails freak me out, I will never listen to voice mails, so please don't leave me a voice mail, but I was wondering, and I hope it doesn't weird you out or anything but...

I got two tickets for the Counting Crows concert, and I was hoping you would want to go with me.

It took you 60 words, and three different confirmations, before I finally realized, that you actually said yes!

So, for today. I am the happiest person in Cape Town. My broken heart, doesn't know how to accept a victory. Easy there fella, we'll get you fixed up in no time.


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