A broken poet

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Banished soldier

Quiver my armour in the candle-flicker
Dancing dusks sparkle the walls blank canvas
Famines my soul for battles and inspires
My heart to leave that which lessons me behind
Drugs my timeless assumption
My guess to the unanswered question
To be found in the arms of another
Or starve self-salvation, feeds of selfish intentions bother

Forks to steel, lucid rantings and psychobabble
Defiles our time as it made unholy in days of old
Draws to arms, fierce souls atop the tower of Babel
Followers misquote me and curse my tale
And furies my passion to lead away from this distraction
To pray fire over social dysfunction

Calm the imps to crawl into an age of newborness
Feeds others its perversions and sows disintegration
Save for the rigtheous few who grow weary
Willing to turn against the grain
Forge standards to grow from being militant
Only to see embossments of the crusade again
Lie us down starved, depressed and restless
Qualified in war, but forbidden to fight
When what we stand for, tells us otherwise
Stand fast still all the soldiers of light
Be punished for beliefs everyday
But find strength in wisdom fasting
And redeem more to our cause
Not either by my might, nor power


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